Weekly Pool Service

Our highly trained professional staff service your pool on a weekly basis. Everything your pool needs is covered in every visit. We use a blower to clean the pool patio. We skim the pool, vacuum the pool, and brush the pool when needed. We check the water chemistry and add all appropriate chemicals to keep your water bacteria free, crystal clear, and free of algae.

Complete pool opening and closing is part of our seasonal service agreement.

Additional Services

  • Pool opening and closing
  • Plumbing
  • Equipment including heaters, pumps and filters
  • Electrical and gas
  • Drain and cleans
  • Emergency flood service


Pricing may vary depending on the size and complexity of your pool. There is a flat monthly rate for the weekly service, and competitively priced pool closing.

We also offer a winter service program to take care of excess water in the pool and/or on the cover, leaves and debris on the cover, and to add additional chemicals to ensure a crystal clear pool upon opening.